14 ago 2014

Inside the cockpit - My 10 best inedited pictures up in the air!!

Being daughter of an airline Captain is probably, among all of them, the biggest luck that I've ever had. Besides all the magnificent travels that I have done with my father, my family, and alone, I had the chance to see the world from the most privileged spot: the cockpit. 

I don't know if it's just me, but when I am up in air I feel such an excitement I cannot describe...each and every time I look outside the window it feels like it is the first time in a plane!

"it is not the destination, but the journey, that matters".

In fact, I enjoy every single moment of the journey, which begins very early for me. When I get to the airport the adventure already starts: I don't even know whether I will be able to leave or not!! One of the dark sides of the non-rev seats (cheap tickets that the family of a crew member has right to have) is indeed that you only get into the plane if there is some free seat left.
If not, you can always ask for a jumpseat (the one that hostesses and stewards use during takeoff and landing), but it's not a very comfortable place ;).

They are right when they say: "Sofia, you really love everything!!", because even if it's the most unfomfortable experience, you know what, I liked it. It was actually in these occasions where I met the most interesting people.

Anyways...when I talk of airplanes I always speak too much and get out of the point!!!!! 

The point is: Here some of my pictures up in the sky that I have selected from my albums!

1. Going to Australia - Boeing 777

 2.Landing in Singapore - Boeing 777

3. American Airlines plane from our cockpit

4. Alitalia plane from our cockpit

5. My brother in the Boeing 777 engine

My extra-ordinary "little" brother
6. Sunrise & sunset, heading to Bangkok

7. Landing, somewhere

8. Inside the cargo plane

9. Going to Asia

10. The Captain.

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